Company and Trade
In business and business interests, it is necessary to build relationships and cooperation with other parties to achieve certain goals. In this case, a document is needed that is able to bind all parties who cooperate, one of the documents is a cooperation agreement.
This document is important for people working in the business and professional world. To better understand this cooperation agreement, let’s look at the following review.
What is a Cooperation Agreement?
The cooperation agreement letter is a formal document in the form of a written agreement between the parties who cooperate officially and legally. A cooperation agreement letter is written evidence regarding an agreement between parties who cooperate to achieve certain goals, both in business and other fields.
Types of cooperation agreement letters are divided into two, namely:
1. Authentic agreement letters: This letter is made, attended, or known by a government official who has the role of witness.
2. Private agreement letter: This letter is made without presenting witnesses or evidence from government officials so it has a higher risk.
Function of Cooperation Agreement Letter
The cooperation agreement letter is made because it creates good for all parties who will cooperate. The following is the function of the cooperation agreement letter.
1. The security aspect, the cooperation agreement makes all parties feel safe and calm. This is because this document has the ability to bind and guarantee all parties to carry out their obligations and obtain their rights.
2. Fulfillment of rights and obligations, the cooperation agreement letter clearly states the rights and obligations of all parties so that everything can be more secure.
3. Minimizing risk, a cooperation agreement letter will prevent all parties from disputes.
4. Reference for settlement, if a dispute occurs, the cooperation agreement letter can be used as a reference for solving the problem. This document can also be used as concrete evidence for a court of law.